Easterseals MORC


Contact Your Representatives On These Issues


There is currently an issue on the ballot for an Oakland Transit Millage to support local transit providers.


If funded, the Oakland Transit millage will be distributed to local transit providers, including $2 million to North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA), $2 million to West Oakland Transportation Authority (WOTA), and $1 million to the Older Persons Commission (OPC) in the Rochester Area.

This funding would allow the three local transit providers to maintain and expand service, partner with neighboring communities, and create additional local transit solutions for their communities.

In 2021, NOTA, WOTA, and OPC provided nearly 90,000 reservation based rides to residents, including seniors, veterans, and individuals with disabilities to help them get to doctor’s appointments, hospitals, grocery stores and other essential destinations.


Look for the millage proposal on your mid-term election ballot.


MORC is urging the Michigan Legislature to appropriate an additional $127.0 million in General Fund dollars. This funding equates to an approximate $4.00 per hour wage increase, which would be in addition to the $2.35 per hour wage increase.

It is expected the $2.35 per hour wage increase will be funded in the next fiscal year’s state budget. However, the potential exists for an additional wage increase, particularly if the state revenue estimates released later this month are positive.

Please take a few minutes to contact your state legislators to urge their support for the additional funding referenced in the message below. An additional $4.00 per hour wage increase would result in an estimated average statewide starting wage rate of $18.00 per hour for direct support staff.

Just enter your name and address, and you can become a part of this urgent advocacy effort.  You can also add a personal message if desired.


PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL your Michigan representatives and Senators.

ASK THEM to support the wage increase for direct care workers.

EXPLAIN that the bill will provide a much needed raise and help with retention for this vital worker group.

SHARE your story: how the staffing crisis negatively affects you, as a person receiving services, family member, direct care worker or service provider.


The time to contact your legislators is now!