A special needs trust (sometimes called a supplemental needs trust) is designed to allow individuals with special needs to access additional funds without risking the loss of their government benefits. Many people with special needs face numerous expenses due to their disability or impairment. At the same time, these individuals also often rely on government benefits such as Medicaid benefits …
A Medicaid Resource Guide: Eligibility, Enrollment and What it Covers
More than 1 in 5 people are enrolled in Medicaid. See if you’re eligible for Medicaid, find out how to apply and explore what Medicaid covers. Read more.
Managing Strong Emotional Reactions to Traumatic Events: Tips for Families and Teachers
When a large-scale tragedy occurs, it can cause strong and deeply felt reactions in adults and children. How adults express their emotions will influence the reactions of children and youth. Caregivers can help youngsters manage their feelings by modeling healthy coping strategies and closely monitoring their own emotional state and that of those in their care. Read more.
How to manage anxiety during a pandemic
Anxiety is so idiosyncratic that it’s difficult to pinpoint a “type” that’s most common. For some, it might feel like vines of dread roping themselves around you the night before a big work deadline, or maybe like a creeping cloud of unease that settles in during your morning commute. Maybe you cope by taking prescribed medication or going for a …
A Helpful Online Safety Guide for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
People from all walks of life and all kinds of backgrounds fall victim to online bullying and cybercrime, but studies have shown that those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are more susceptible to online threats than others. Not only are ASD children and adults at risk from others, but they can also develop compulsive online habits and internet addictions, and can be more …
Do You Need Disability Insurance?
Think for a moment about what would happen if you were injured or ill and couldn’t work. Would your savings plus any spousal income plus any payments you were able to get from Social Security Disability Income ($1,111 a month in 2012 on average) be enough to live on until Social Security and any other retirement benefits kick in? If not, you …
Requirements for Long Term Disability
If your employer offers you long-term disability (LTD) coverage as part of a benefits package, or if you’ve purchased an individual policy on your own, you may be eligible to continue receiving most of your salary in the event you become unable to work. A person filing an LTD claim has a number of hurdles to clear, however, before benefits …
Medicaid vs. Medicare: Key Differences and What is Covered
In 1965, an amendment to the Social Security Act established Medicare and Medicaid, two government-run health programs. Their similar names can often lead to confusion about what each program covers. In some cases, people may be eligible to be covered by both programs. You also have options in coverage, which makes understanding these two programs even more confusing, but understanding the differences and how …
Anti-Bullying Guide
Many people experience bullying and it can appear in many forms. This guide is designed to help you identify when bullying is occurring and then help you begin processing healthy ways to respond to it. Read more
How to create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities
Children of all abilities and needs should have room to play and explore their world. Making your home a place where a child with special needs can be active takes more than a look around. You’ll want to brainstorm ways the outside can be an inclusive sanctuary for children of all abilities, too. Read more. Additional Resource: Fully Accessible Guide …