Practical Advice from Top Culture of Gentleness Experts
Wed, Nov 14th
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Macomb Oakland Regional Center
1270 Doris Rd
Auburn Hills
MI 48326
Four professionals who have long been involved in creating Cultures for Gentleness for people who challenge the system will discuss their thoughts on these and other topics. Questions they will answer include:
- How do you motivate staff to buy into the concept of a Culture of Gentleness (COG)?
- What resources do you recommend for training staff in a COG?
- What role do administrators play in the creation of a COG?
- Can you describe one of your biggest successes in working with a person who challenged you? What are a couple of the key reasons for the success?
- What role can a supports coordinator play in the creation of a COG?
- Do you use visual schedules for those you support? How did you get your staff to buy into using them?
- What advice would you give to people listening in on working with a person who presents significant challenges?
- What advice would you give to someone who feels they are the only one at their agency who wants to create a COG of mental health and self-determination in Michigan?
The last half hour will be dedicated to answering questions of those attending the webinar.
Presenters include:
Diane Lindsay Nelles, MA: Diane worked for over 35 years as a psychologist specializing in supporting people with developmental disabilities and mental illness. She had a long career with MORC, Inc. where she was the Psychology Supervisor, then Clinical Supervisor. She is now a Trainer with the Center for Positive Living Supports. She has made countless presentations across the state and nationally, many of them related to a Culture of Gentleness.
Kym Juntti, BA: Kym is the Director of Training at MORC, Inc. as well as the Director of the Center for Positive Living Supports. She started her career as a direct care professional at a workshop for people with developmental disabilities. She is recognized as a national leader in a Culture of Gentleness.
Andy Sonntag: Andy has been working with Life Centers since 1989, helping people with mental illness integrate into their communities. He currently serves as Life Center’s Program Coordinator for Wayne County. He is certified as a Gentle Teaching Trainer and a Master Level CPI trainer.
Aimee Davis, BS: Aimee is the Program Director for Friends and Family, a direct service provider for people with developmental disabilities, many of who have co-occurring mental illness. She has worked at Friends and Family for more than 18 years and provides leadership in a Culture of Gentleness among her peers and agency.
This seminar can be attend in person or via webinar. Deaf interpreter also available upon request. 1 Social Work CE is available. Click here to register.