Webinar – Dealing with Grief and Loss

Mon, Jun 22nd
1:30pm - 3:00pm

The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating. This webinar will explore the effects of the loss and honor those who have lost their lives. Materials for such honoring will be shared.

The presenter is Karyn Harvey.  Karyn Harvey has worked as a clinician in the field of intellectual disabilities for over 30 years. She has a master’s degree in Clinical psychology and a Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology from the University of Maryland. She has published articles about therapeutic interventions with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), workbooks for individuals with IDD and two books. Her first book, Positive Identity Development was published in 2009 and Trauma –Informed Behavioral Interventions, published in 2011. She is currently a consulting with the developmental disabilities departments of Connecticut and Maryland. In addition, she is the Director of Program Development and Training for the Park Ave Group practice. In 2016 she received the Earl Loschen Award from NADD for Excellence in Clinical Practice. Karyn has been presenting nationally on the topics relating to the pandemic. Karyn also presented at MORC’s 2019 Culture of Gentleness Conference.

This webinar is free to all participants and generously co-sponsored by MORC Training and Oakland Community Health Network.

Click here to register.