Recreational Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Ongoing Activities

Take a Virtual Tour

See available virtual tours

Troy Adaptive Recreation

Click here to see activities at Troy Adaptive Recreation

Woodside Bible Church Special Needs Bible Study

Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom

Access Zoom Meeting here

Password: tuesday

Springhill Pooled Trusts Webinar

Thursday, October 29th, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Springhill Housing Corporation Pooled Accounts Trust provides a way for people with disabilities to use their savings without endangering important public benefits.

You will hear from Joanna Giglio, Director of Springhill Pooled Accounts Trust, on options that can benefit you and your family.

Register here

Special Needs Bingo

Friday, October 30th at 6:30 p.m. — online event

Click here for more information

Parking Lot PE

Every Monday and Thursday, weather permitted 

First Presbyterian Church of Warren, 3000 E. Twelve Mile Rd., Warren, 48092 – Back Parking Lot 

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

We will have (socially-distant) games and (pre-packaged) snacks for kids from our congregation and community.  This will be a chance for kids to stretch and move away from screens and have some fun with other kids, as well as a chance for parents to meet with others for support.   If you would like to help (supervision, hospitality), please contact Pastor Julie (586) 751-1721 or Marijo Hockley (248) 219-9449.

List of accessible playgrounds in Michigan

List of Accessible Recreational Opportunities in Michigan

AMC Theatres Sensory Friendly Films
AMC theatres in Livonia, Sterling Heights and Clinton Twp. offer sensory friendly film opportunities for children and adults with special needs.  Patrons can bring their own gluten-free or casein-free snacks and the kids can “dance, walk, shout or sing” or move about the aisles. No previews or advertisements will be shown before the movies. The movies are geared toward children ages 5 & up and showings begin at 10 am on Saturdays. Tuesday evening movie showings may be geared to an older audience and begin at 7 pm. Dates and films are subject to change.   Click here for more information and listing of movie dates and times.

OUCARES Autism Spectrum Bowling League 
OUCARES (Oakland University Center for Autism Research, Education and Support) has partnered with several area bowling alleys to create a bowling league for individuals ages 16-plus on the autism spectrum. This opportunity will allow ASD students (over 16) and adults to enhance physical activity in a social, community setting. No bowling experience is necessary to participate. Opportunities in both Oakland and Macomb Counties.  The cost of the bowling league is $60. The parent/caregiver will need to remain with the bowler if one on one assistance is required. Click here for registration info.

Chuck E Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese has announced it will be Sensitive Sundays where it will open two hours early on the first Sunday every month for children with Autism and other special needs.  Sensitive Sunday will include:  reduced lighting and noise, food and games and trained and caring staff.  Click here for locations and more information.