Webinar – The Power of Empathy for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Special Needs

Tue, Feb 20th
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Macomb Oakland Regional Center
1270 Doris Rd
Auburn Hills
MI 48326

Celebrate Hope LLC will discuss the necessity of unconditional empathy as it relates to working with children who have special and unique needs and supporting their parents with the same level of empathy.  Specific tools will be identified that can be used in order to cultivate an environment that creates a positive and rewarding experience for not only the child but also for the parents and those support people that interact with them.

The speakers are John Ball and Lisa Goyette from Celebrate Hope.  They have over 30 yrs of educational and professional experience. Each is the parent of a child with special/unique needs. They understand the struggles that parents who have children with special and unique needs encounter as well as those who provide care face. They are passionate about helping and committed to sharing what they know to bring forth support for not only families, but also care-providers.

This seminar is one hour and has been approved for one CE hour for Social Workers.  Attend the seminar via your device or watch it live at the MORC Auburn Hills Office in Room 400.  Space is limited so register soon!  Deaf interpreter also available via webcam.  To register, click here.